Praxis Shimano Bottom Bracket

Article number: 024-04-02
Availability: In stock

Unleash the potential of your ride with Praxis Works' forged durable bottom brackets. Prioritizing longevity, their Shimano Bottom Bracket guarantees smooth rides. Whether upgrading or replacing, Praxis ensures miles of friction-free spinning and unparalleled peace of mind. Compatibility: 24mm spindle.

The PF30/BB30 variant comes with a sleeve for PF30 frames. Press fit the sleeve before threading in the BB30 converter. For BB30 frames, discard the sleeve and install the BB30 adaptor. The versatile design allows wires to pass over the BB shell, with weight-saving holes (not for wire routing). Protect your wiring if used as a last resort.


BB Compatibility
Fitment Weight Bracket Width
BSA 68 / 73 (English Thread) ~98g 68 / 73 mm
BB30 / PF30 - 68 / 73 mm ~130g / ~140g 68 / 73 mm
T47 Internal ~104g 85.5 mm
T47 External ~104g 68 / 73 mm
Crank Compatibility
Shimano Hollowtech II
24 mm Drive / 24 mm Non-Drive
2 - 2437 - Cartridge Steel or Ceramic
Tools / Installation
The T47 Internal uses the T47 I.B. tool
All others use a 44 mm ID socket tool
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