Abbey Bike Tools T-handle Tool

Article number: 005-05-02
Availability: In stock

The Abbey Bike Tools T-handle multi-tool is a great addition to any shop at home or at work. This is purpose built to be a more robust multi use tool than their 4-way Multi Tool using the same durable stainless steel as the Crombie. Using precision stainless steel bits from WERA that fit like a glove into the bolts on your modern bike; they won't strip out fasteners like other tools that are common in the bike world.

Everybody makes a multi-tool, there is a bit of everything on the market, but the difference is in the details.

The 10 Piece Bit Set includes a T-handle tool and bits


 4 / 5 / T-25 4 mm / 5 mm T-25
 5 / 6 / T-25 5 mm / 6 mm T-25
 10 Piece Bit Set 2 / 2.5 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 15 / 20 / 25 / 30
 Material  Chassis  Bits
  Stainless Steel WERA Stainless Steel
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